Saturday, July 21, 2012


I was Ranger Mark this past week at my church's version of VBS, which means that I'm kind of a big deal.  My job was to stand on a stage and be the serious one who brings every single story back to the story of Jesus and to high-five kids as enthusiastically as I possibly could.  I was essentially the Beatles all wrapped up in one in cargo shorts and hiking boots.

One thing that stuck out to me was this:  there was a woman there who was in a mechanized wheel chair with one of those typewriter things that she could write what she wanted to say, because she wasn't able to speak.  There was one point though, in which I was walking past and saw what she was saying.  The screen read "I love you so much", and I just about lost it.  I just thought this held so much significance.

This woman probably doesn't say a whole lot in her day, but what struck me was the significance that the words held.  She's not wasting time, she's not droning on, but she's speaking with more significance than I do.  And I know I'm totally making this a bigger deal than it is, and I'm not putting much effort into my writing style or word choice, but please bear with me, because I think this holds some relevance.

Just like this woman wasn't wasting words because she couldn't produce a lot of words, we shouldn't be wasting time, because we don't have a huge supply of it.  We shouldn't be living insignificantly and living without purpose, because we honestly don't have enough time.  Our days are marked and will be over before we know it.  So we need to make each moment as significant as each word for that woman.

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