The year was 2141, and Adais and Astoches were very happily married on the planet named Kalo. They were very happily married, you see, because they hadn’t realized that they had another choice. In fact, they didn’t even realize that they were married, but they were quite happy.
They were 5th generation inhabitants of Kalo, which was the planet that their great-great-great grandparents had chosen to settle on during The Great Move in 2020. That was the time in which Earth was found to not be the only life-sustaining planet in the universe, and many people had moved to the other planets for the various benefits that the Chancellors had offered them.
There was Idiofyia; the planet in which its Chancellor had promised would bring forth genius ideas to all inhabitants. There was Agapi; the planet of love. There was Mousiki; the planet of music, and there was Trofiman; the planet of food. There were thousands of planetary options, each with their own appeal and Chancellor.
Kalo was the largest and most popular planet by far, however, for Kalo was the planet of goodness. The Chancellor of Kalo promised the inhabitants that this planet offered no evil. Yes, this planet seemed to exemplify perfection, and all its inhabitants were very happy, mainly because they knew of no other option. There were no natural disasters, no pain, and nothing that hinted at Lathos, which was the planet of absolute evil.
In short, there was nothing. The Chancellor knew that if his planet fell short of his promises, there would be a tremendous revolt and he would be put to death. He had been close to that in years past, during the uprising of 2095 in which a carpenter discovered that the same board in which he made tables could be used to hit his neighbor. That hurt neighbor started an uprising on the basis that there was evil on Kalo. The Chancellor barely escaped with his life by promising the inhabitants that he would change the system so that no one could hit anyone else. That carpenter has since been moved to the Lathos, the planet of evil.
But that incident showed a bigger problem on the planet Kalo: that something that could be used for good could also be used for bad. Thus, the Chancellor decided to get rid of heavy, solid things like a board of wood that could be used to hurt people. After he got rid of solid objects (including people’s bones: too dangerous) people started spreading malevolent comments about the Chancellor and his policies. This was considered an imperfection as well, and the Chancellor struggled to find a solution to that. He realized that the way to do this would be to remove air, so that bitter or mean comments about anyone would not be carried to another person. This change meant that each person would have to have their own sustaining life-pod, which he provided each person.
These pods were just able to fit an average man, and became necessary for each inhabitant to use. They came with a recirculation machine that enabled one to never have to eat again (because one might not like the taste of the food, and that would be no good), oxygen tank (there was a terrible shortage of oxygen otherwise), and a device that deadened the brain, so that no one could ever think of an evil thought again. Endorphins were constantly being pumped through the inhabitants so that they would be considered happy.
Adais and Astoches continually stared blankly at each other, a half-smile permeating each of their faces, in a world of no evil.